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Mesenchymal stem cells as immune cells - Application to inflammatory diseases

Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (mesenchymal stem cells) [MSCs] are adult stem cells exhibiting functional properties that have been explored for skeletal tissue regeneration. MSCs also exhibit immunosuppressive as well as healing capacities, improving angiogenesis and preventing apoptosis or fibrosis through the secretion of paracrine mediators. This could be useful in the treatment of infl ammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases and cartilage genetic disorders. Some clinical applications have also been obtained for skeletal tissue repair. Further investigation of the effi cacy and safety of MSCs is needed for current therapeutic uses.

Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult stem cells exhibiting functional properties that have opened the way for cell-based clinical therapies. Primarily, their capacity for multilineage diff erentiation has been explored in a number of strategies for skeletal tissue regeneration. More recently, MSCs have been reported to exhibit immunosuppressive as well as healing properties, to improve angiogenesis and to prevent apoptosis or fi brosis through the secretion of paracrine mediators. This has led to the…

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