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Past, present and future perspectives of advanced nursing practice in the Netherlands

This article briefly describes the advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) role in the Netherlands from its conceptual framework to integration and synthesis in the Dutch healthcare system. Historical and legal perspectives, educational requirements and current demo­graphics will be discussed. Two examples are presented of successful ANP practices in the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), i.e. the development of a nephrogeriatric care pathway (NGCP) and the implementation of cardiological telemonitoring.Historical perspectives of advanced nurse practitioner in the NetherlandsThe development of…

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Liens d'intérêt

N.C. Berkhout-Byrne, L. J.J. Beaart-van de Voorde, A. Krispijn and A.H. Brunsveld-Reinders do not have any conflicts of interest in relation to this article.

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